Residence and flats for rent in Caorle at the best price

Are you searching for a last minute offers for an apartment for rent in Caorle? We are proposing you the best solutions at discounted prices in apartments for rent, holiday houses, residence and villages.
Below you will find information on location, services and you can see the photos of the interior and exterior of each single accommodation.
The Special Promotions Last Minute Caorle are set to expire! Hurry up to contact the accommodation and book your holiday in Caorle.

200 m.
max 7 people
800 m.
max 7 people
200 m.
max 5 people
250 m.
max 4 people

Savings, tranquillity and wellness

To rent an apartment in Caorle is one of the many proposals to enjoy your vacation at the sea in full freedom and without time restrictions.
Residence with swimming pool, holiday houses for rent, apartments near the beach with private garden or terrace are available along the whole coast, and you can choose them according to the zone of your permanence:

  • Spiaggia di Levante (East Beach)
  • Centro storico (Historical Centre)
  • Spiaggia di Ponente (West Beach)
  • Porto Santa Margherita;
  • Lido Altanea;
  • Duna Verde.

Litorale di Caorle The wide choice of apartments with swimming pool for adults and children in modern facilities and well furnished with terrace or private garden, represents the ideal solution for large families, couples and groups of friends.
You can choose between Lodging Studio (stay with bed and bathroom), two-roomed apartment (living room, a bedroom and a bathroom), three-room apartment (living room, two bedrooms and bathroom) and four-roomed apartment (living room, three bedrooms and bathroom).
Excellent services are guaranteed such as free Wi-Fi, private parking or garage, swimming pool, air conditioning, beach place reserved, on request access for dogs and pets.
Last Minute Caorle is the portal for the last minute holiday in this beloved historic city bathed by the Adriatic Sea.
The apartments offers in Caorle are always updated.
Contact the accommodation and book your stay by the sea!